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Welcome to my company's website...

Attempting Technology Ltd. is a small company with usually just one employee... me, David Hammond. AttempTech employs me to go to other companies and do computer stuff. In other words, I'm an I.T. Contractor. For over a decade and a half I've been specialising in Software Testing. Before that I did a bit of Cobol programming. I've worked with mainframe, midrange and client-server setups. I dabble in a bit of web design too. In fact, you're looking at an example of it right now. For the past ten years or so my contracts have found me focusing on the testing of web based applications which I enjoy. Much better than wading through a mainframe VSAM file or nasty piece of JCL.

Please take a moment to look at my 'C.V.' ( 'Résumé' if you're American) to see if there's something I could do for you. You can email me at david@attempting-technology.co.uk.

This site was created by David T.Hammond - Attempting Technology Ltd © 2000 - 2017